Book Review: What If?

The full title is “What If:  Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions” and it is the most fun and most enjoyable non-fiction book i’ve ever read. The author (Randall Munroe) is the creator and writer of the comic XKCD which is extremely geeky.  The title is a very good description of what the book is about and the word ‘absurd’ is used with good reason.  Here are just a few of the questions which are answered in a very scientific and fun way in this book: What would happen if everyone on earth stood as close to each other as they […]

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Ask Me Anything

If you are a user of Reddit then you are familiar with the Ask Me Anything event. I have plenty of ideas floating around in my head waiting to escape and scream into the light, but it occurs to me that not all my crazy eclectic ideas may be interesting to you. In an effort to address that unlikely possibility, i’m asking each of you to give me one or two (or three) things you’d like me to post about in coming weeks/months.  Just write a comment to this post so everyone else can see your ideas. Ask Me Anything! […]

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What Does “Christian” Mean in Our Society

The post below is from May of 2014 by Ed Stetzer at i am copying it in its entirety because it ties in directly with the post i made last week Can Music, Art or Books be “Christian”  This post reinforces the idea that the adjective “Christian”, because of its cultural and nominal use has lost much of its meaning.  It then goes on to draw inferences about what this means for the future.  Ed Stetzer’s blog begins below.   What trends must we consider when it comes to the state of the church in America? Despite what many think, the […]

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CSNY 1974 Live

Music is a huge part of my life.  It brings me great joy, peace, fun, relaxation and of course entertainment. I bought some music last year.  We won’t talk about how much, ok?  But i can say that this is easily the favorite musical thing I bought. CSNY 1974 If you are of a similar age to me, I don’t need to regale you with the awesomeness of Crosby Stills Nash & Young.  They are an ingrained part of our high school and college years. You get three distinct things with CSNY:  beautiful harmony, moving acoustic music, powerful electric rock. […]

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You can’t read anything on the internet or view a TV show without being continously assaulted by advertisements, reviews, comments and hype about the Apple Watch which officially enters the world of reality today. I have no interest in the Apple Watch, but not because i think it isn’t an interesting or intriguing product.  I don’t like watches.  Any watches. Smart watches. Dumb watches.  Beautiful watches.  Collectible watches. I haven’t worn a watch in more than 20 years. You see, i have a touch of OCD.  Not the overwhelming kind, but the slightly inconvenient kind.  I tend to count things. […]

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